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What to Pack

Our weather includes micro climates and Karl the Fog. Here's what to pack, so you don't have to buy a sweatshirt down at Fishermans Wharf.

For the most part, a pair of Levi’s blue jeans (invented in San Francisco) and a light windbreaker or sweater will handle most wardrobe necessities in San Francisco. Temperatures seldom rise above 70° F (21°C) or fall below 40°F (5° C). San Francisco has a temperate marine climate and enjoys mild weather year-round. Morning and evening fog rolls in during the summer months but rarely persists. 

It's summer year-round in San Francisco between the hours of 12 and 3 p.m. Outside of those hours, you should bring layers with you. 

August through October are the warmest months of the year, but for the most part, dressing in layers is recommended. The weather can change by the hour (and within just a few blocks), so keep that windbreaker or light jacket handy. Comfortable shoes are a must, too. San Francisco is best explored on foot. 

And most important of all, pack your spontaneous side. You never know what adventures might be just around the next corner. 

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다가오는 이벤트와 축제, 새로운 레스토랑, 특가 상품, 그리고 City by the Bay에서 일어나는 모든 일에 대해 가장 먼저 알아보세요.